Annunciati i primi 4 vincitori del concorso AFOL Designer program di Bricklink e LEGO

Annunciati pochi minuti fa i primi quattro progetti del concorso AFOL Designer Program creato da Bricklink in collaborazione con LEGO®. Vediamoli assieme.
Sedici i progetti totali che verranno presentati entro il 1° di febbraio, giorno in cui inizierà la prevendita degli stessi.
Questo è il numero di opere scelte dai ragazzi di Bricklink e LEGO per dare vita a questo nuovo esperimento di vendita set.
Non fatevi ingannare se vi aspettavate 20 progetti. In realtà inizialmente era stato indicato “up to 20 finalists will be selected”.
Qui vediamo i primi 4 appena selezionati per essere poi pre-acquistati da tutti noi nel periodo fra febbraio e aprile (indicativamente).
Hot Shot Carnival by BRIXONATOR
Opt for a night out at the carnival and stop by the Hot Shot, a shooting gallery where you can get some target practice! From afar, you can spot the billboard for “Hot Shot” with a large rifle and bullseye attached. When you get inside the carnival, take a walk around and treat yourself to an ice-cold popsicle. Then when you are ready for a little friendly competition, look for the booth with the red wavy walls and yellow and orange overhang. If luck is on your side, you can win prizes like a life-sized teddy bear, special edition guitar, and a few other surprises!

Skyline Express by jazlecraz
The Skyline Express is the ultimate solution for the minifig commute. With room for up to six passengers, panoramic windows and sleek Scandinavian design, this modern light rail is the perfect balance between comfort and style. The split-level station provides travelers with the latest schedule information and convenient smart ticketing machines. Have some time to spare before departure? Get fresh juice at Jüs, the organic juice bar located on the ground floor, where it can satisfy even the thirstiest passenger! After getting your train ticket and refreshments, make your way up the stairs to take in the breathtaking views.

The LEGO® Story by BrickJonas
Since it’s the 60th anniversary of LEGO Brick, what’s a better way to celebrate than taking a look back at how it all started? Build an individual vignette for 4 different eras of LEGO’s history starting from 1937. Ole Kirk Kristiansen bought his first milling machine, and the company only made wooden toys (have you spotted the wooden duck?). In the second vignette, LEGO started molding plastic bricks in 1946. The third vignette is of a designer’s office to represent designers working on the amazing LEGO sets that we all are familiar with. Finally, in the fourth vignette, you can see a modern molding machine with a complicated tubing system in the background. That’s where the raw materials “travel” to the big molding machines that make LEGO bricks. Display all the vignettes together, or put them in different places, to share the story of LEGO!

Isle of Peril by JakeSadovich
What exactly are the various dangers on the Isle of Peril? Just in case you, or any member of your crew, are too curious to stay on the marked path, we’ll tell you just a few things of what you’ll face! Just above the steep beach, in the rocky entrance into the canyon is “The Cave of No Return.” The backside opens into a small ledge overhanging “The Lake of Doom,” where one can a plunge into the lake if one isn’t careful. Look out for “Laudably Large Land Lobsters” and the “four-tentacled six-snake-headed one-eyed colossal-clam-beast.” After passing through the waterfall, travel downward toward the lowlands to a dangerously dilapidated wooden bridge over inordinately large spikes. Follow the path marked in red on this 3D treasure map, and if you’re lucky, you may find the buried treasure.

Interessante il quarto progetto, ad opera di Jake Sadovich, creatore e vincitore anche di LEGO Ideas con la sua nave in bottiglia!
Per quel che ci riguarda, la momento, sono tutti dei must da prendere al day one!
- Introducing the finalists! (