Willy Wonka, il nuovo film sarà una storia delle origini

Il celebre personaggio di Roald Dahl tornerà sul grande schermo. Il produttore, David Heyman, rivela qualche nuovo dettaglio: sarà una storia inedita che parlerà delle origini del personaggio.
Il progetto è ancora nelle fasi iniziali, ma il produttore di Harry Potter svela qualche interessante dettaglio sulla trama della pellicola. Una origin story, che narrerà l’infanzia o l’adolescenza di Willy Wonka. Ecco le sue parole:
It’s not a remake. They’ve done two films, quite different. But it’s possibly an origin story. We’re just in the early stages of it, working with a writer called Simon Rich, which is wonderful. I’m a huge Roald Dahl fan. I’ve been trying to work on Dahl material for quite some time but they’re all tied up. So when this was suggested, I didn’t take a moment to pause and want to jump right in. […] It’s challenging because you don’t have Dahl, you don’t have a Dahl book, and yet you have a Dahl character. But I think there’s a lot in his character that suggests who he is and also where he might come from or what his childhood or his middle age might have been like. So we’re exploring that. We’re discussing it. We’re in the very early stages and very excited about what lies ahead.