Nuovi rumor sul progetto del sequel di Alien diretto da Neill Blomkamp. Dopo essere stato interrotto per lasciare spazio a Ridley Scott coi suoi prequel, ora parla Michael Biehn.
L’idea di Alien 5 resta, lo script era piaciuto molto sia a Sigourney Weaver che a James Cameron. Blomkamp nel frattempo continua a twittare idee per i concept di un possibile sequel della saga di Alien, coinvolgendo anche l’attore Michael Biehn nella parte di Hicks. Durante la reunion per il 30° anniversario di Alien, Biehn rivela il suo futuro nel franchise degli xenomorfi.
Ecco le sue parole:
I think it would be very embarrassing to Fox if they don’t give Sigourney the movie that she really wants to go out on. I don’t know when it’s going to happen but I know it’s going to happen and I know I’m going to be in it and there’s going to be a new Newt, she’s going to be about 26 or 27 and looks a lot like Jennifer Lawrence to me but I don’t know.
E ancora:
I thought [the film] was dead and gone as [Weaver] probably did too as well as Fox. [Blomkamp] tweeted out some pictures of me, he said he’s going take the third and fourth film and act like they never happened and things blew up. It looked like it was all go and then Ridley Scott decided that he was going to do a second and third film in the Prometheus series, but Sigourney says they are still doing their project.
- Alien 5 Is Happening Says Michael Biehn (