Mission 26 The Big Endeavour

Come forse saprete l’ultimo dei tre Space Shuttle, l'Endeavour, ha chiuso il suo glorioso servizio ed è stato da poco portato allo Science Center di Los Angeles.

Per portarlo al famoso museo della scienza, che ha tutta una enorme parte dedicata alle esplorazioni spaziali (e che non ho visto perché era chiusa per pioggia quando ci sono andato, porca&%$$@) l’Endeavour ha compiuto un incredibile viaggio su strada.

Questo viaggio è stato documentato da un gruppo di fotografi specializzati in timelapse, un team d’eccezione: Joe Capra, Chris Pritchard, Brian Hawkins, Andrew Walker, Ryan Killackey e Matthew Givot.

Matthew Givot ha poi riunito il lavoro nel video che vedete di seguito, molto bello.

Dopo 25 missioni spaziali portate a termine con successo ecco che Endeavour ha compiuto anche la sua 26a missione, quella verso la sua nuova casa.

[more]A very special thanks to the City of Inglewood, Chief of Police Mark Fronterotta, Lieutenant James Madia, Sergeant Dirk Dewachter, and to the Men and Women of the Inglewood Police Department. None of this would have been possible without them.

This project was only made possible by the help of a truly amazing and talented timelapse team which included; Joe Capra, Chris Pritchard, Brian Hawkins, Andrew Walker, Ryan Killackey and myself.

This truly was a once in a lifetime opportunity that we are so happy and honored to have been be a part of.

The endeavor started on Thursday night and went on until Sunday night, with very little sleep to no sleep. The only thing that kept us going was pure love of the art and adrenaline. One thing that stood out the most for me, while I was shooting, was the people of Los Angeles. It was so powerful to see the excitement on peoples faces and the pride of their home town. No matter how many times I would see the Shuttle it would never get old.

This has been an amazing experience that I will never forget. My hope is that this film will show you the amount of dedicated people and teamwork that it took to get the Endeavour to its new home. Enjoy.

The team
Matthew Givot
Joe Capra
Chris Pritchard
Brian Hawkins
Andrew Walker
Ryan Killackey

Special Thanks to
Dee Kymar
Michael Anderson

Music Credits
Bradford Nyght Pantheon 2

Gear thanks
emotimo.com [/more]

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