[quote]An academic team project, spanning 12 weeks, representing approx 1000 hours work. This project represented approx 120-160 hours per person, and one quarter of their final semester workload.
All content originated by Staffordshire University, BA(Hons) VFX : Visual Effects + Concept Design students, Pedrom DADGOSTAR, Hollie PRICE, Jack MILTON, Simon STIRRUP, Sam SERRIDGE, Jack BOSWORTH and Sidney THIBAULT.
A great project people, especially given the challenges the film posed. Fantastic team work, great technical solutions and professional approach throughout.
Rendered on Workstation Specialist’s great WS2610 systems. Including dynamic / particle effects simulations[/quote]
Un migliaio di ore di lavoro per realizzare questo video di Inception di Christopher Nolan versione Lego.
Want moar? Ecco sempre dallo stesso [url=http://vimeo.com/user6105126]user vimeo VFX[/url] anche i video versione mattoncini di [url=http://vimeo.com/43530374]300[/url] e [url=http://vimeo.com/43529475]Men In Black[/url].