Hanno chiuso Megavideo
[quote]Federal prosecutors in Virginia say they have shut down one of the world’s largest Internet file-sharing sites, Megaupload.com, and charged its founder and others with violating piracy laws.
An indictment accuses the company of costing copyright holders more than $500 million in lost revenue from pirated films and other content. The indictment was unsealed Thursday, one day after Web sites shut down in protest of two Congressional proposals intended to thwart the online piracy of copyrighted movies and TV programs.
Megaupload.com has claimed it is diligent in responding to complaints about pirated material.
The indictment says that at one point, Megaupload was the 13th most popular Web site in the world.
[url=http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/20/technology/indictment-charges-megaupload-site-with-piracy.html]NY Times[/url][/quote]
Che dire…
So long and thanks for all the videos
:bazinga: su G+ di [url=http://leganerd.com/people/code2/]code2[/url]