
’When what you see is not what you get’
The 2D version of the 3D short film by Alexei Popogrebsky.
We used the opportunity to test some concepts in 3D and see how it would translate to 2D, and vice versa. Originally part of the Experiment 5ive omnibus – . (Hence the black envelope with the picture inside, which had to be the common element of all 5 films)
Watch the 3D Anaglyph version here​28852133 (you would need those cardboard red-cyan glasses for that)

Featuring Grigory Dobrygin and Ina-Maria Jaich
Photography by Peter Steuger; Production design by Erwin Prib; Art Direction and SFX by Niels Müller; Costume Design by Petra Wellenstein; Music by Dmitry Katkhanov; Stereography by Sarah Rotter; Shot on Arri Alexas and Stereotec 3D rig; Postproduction by Pictorion das werk; Produced by METRAFILMS

‘Bonne Annee’ written and performed by Marie-Aude Robin and Dmitry Katkhanov.

Bello questo corto-esperimento dell’interazione tra 2D e 3D, ne esiste anche un aversione in 3D da guardare con gli occhialini rosso-azzurri, nell’approfondimento.



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