Thomas H. Huxley: il sito definitivo

Stavo navigando alla ricerca di un articolo scritto dal mio amatissimo Thomas Henry Huxley e mi sono felicemente imbattuto in questo sito-chicca:

L’impaginazione lascia un po’ a desiderare, ma c’è un enormità di roba sul famigerato “mastino di darwin”.

Questa la presentazione del sito:

This, THE HUXLEY FILE, is addressed to an audience ranging from those who never heard of Thomas Henry Huxley to those who are familiar with him and may even have read some of his work. For specific guidance on the various subjects he wrote about – fields ranging from the design of marine invertebrate structure to the design of a good human society – the cybernaut may refer to any of the 21 guides concluding this preview. Selections in THE HUXLEY FILE that appear only in obscure Victorian magazines or hidden archives will be of interest to those who do know him and may even have studied and published on him.

Dentro ci si trova davvero di tutto.
