Sonificazione del terremoto di Tohoku
[quote]In this video you see the visualised seismic signal of registrations from three seismic stations in Japan (Matsushiro, MAJO, Erimo, ERM) and Russia (Yuzhno Sakhalinsk, YSS) before, during and after the Tohoku Earthquake in Japan. The flashes on the map correlate the signal magnitude at the three stations.
At the same time you can listen to the sonified seismic signal, made audible by an acceleration of factor 1440. This so called audification of the earth’s activity turns the ground motion of two days into an audio track of 120 sec.
The facilities of the IRIS Data Management System, and specifically the IRIS Data Management Center, were used for access to waveform and metadata required in this study. For the data sonification we used Sonifyer, a software tool developed at Bern University of the Arts (CH).[/quote]
Questo interessantissimo video presenta il “suono” del terremoto che ha colpito il Giappone, reso udibile accelerando i dati di tre diverse stazioni sismiche giapponesi e russe e convertendolo in segnale sonoro. Nei 120 secondi di filmato, possiamo infatti “ascoltare” i movimenti sismici di due giorni interi.Le luci visibili sulla destra correlano il segnale audio a ciascuna delle tre stazioni.
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