DNA fingerprinting sempre più rapido

We demonstrate a conduit for the delivery of a step change in the DNA analysis process: A fully integrated instrument for the analysis of multiplex short tandem repeat DNA profiles from reference buccal samples is described and is suitable for the processing of such samples within a forensic environment such as a police custody suite or booking office. The instrument is loaded with a DNA processing cartridge which incorporates on-board pumps and valves which direct the delivery of sample and reagents to the various reaction chambers to allow DNA purification, amplification of the DNA by PCR, and collection of the amplified product for delivery to an integral CE chip. The fluorescently labeled product is separated using micro capillary electrophoresis with a resolution of 1.2 base pairs (bp) allowing laser induced fluorescence-based detection of the amplified short tandem repeat fragments and subsequent analysis of data to produce a DNA profile which is compatible with the data format of the UK DNA database. The entire process from taking the sample from a suspect, to database compatible DNA profile production can currently be achieved in less than 4 h. By integrating such an instrument and microfluidic cartridge with the forensic process, we believe it will be possible in the near future to process a DNA sample taken from an individual in police custody and compare the profile with the DNA profiles held on a DNA Database in as little as 3h.

Attualmente i tempi per avere in mano il profilo genetico di un sospettato vanno dalle 24 alle 72 ore. Con questa nuova tecnologia i tempi si riducono a meno di 4 ore, e tra poco a meno di 2. Questo grazie allo sviluppo di automazione e miniaturizzazione applicate alla biologia molecolare, che permette di svolgere tutte le operazioni di amplificazione e detecting su un supporto integrato (DNA-testing-lab-on-a-chip).

Ovviamente numerosi sono i vantaggi: riduzione dei tempi per l’arresto, minor rischio di rilasciare, in attesa del profilo, colpevoli che in libertà possono commettere altri crimini, sparire, inquinare le prove.

Fonte e articolo completo.

L'Intelligence USA accusa la Cina di voler rubare il DNA americano
L'Intelligence USA accusa la Cina di voler rubare il DNA americano
Il Whitewashing
Il Whitewashing
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