
[quote]The PocketMail service is easy to use. Just dial a toll-free number from any telephone, hold the JVC device up to the earpiece, and the unit’s built-in acoustic-coupling modem connects to PocketMail’s server. While previous acoustic modems were notoriously slow, this one works quickly: It takes only 3 to 5 seconds to send or receive a message. PocketMail’s error-correcting code cancels out background noise so well, I was able to dispatch e-mail from a pay phone in a raucous Irish pub.[/quote]

Il futuro! direttamente dal 1999. L’HC-E100 era un piccolo palmare con tastiera qwerty che, grazie ad un modem da appoggiare alla cornetta di un qualunque telefono!

Niente allegati ovviamente, 10 dollari al mese di canone per avere la vostra preziosa email @pocketmail.com e 99 dollari per comprare questo rivoluzionario dispositivo.

[url=http://www.pcworld.com/article/8524/jvcs_99_email_gizmo_doesnt_fly.html]Recensione su PC World (Ottobre 1999)[/url]