Maggio: National Masturbation Month

Perchè da noi non ci sono queste celebrazioni, eh?
Ebbene si:
May is National Masturbation Month. The celebration of May as National Masturbation Month began in 1995 in San Francisco as a response to the forced resignation of then U.S. Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders.

Tutto ebbe inizio quando:
After a speech at the United Nations World AIDS Day in 1994, an audience member asked Elders about masturbation’s potential for discouraging early sexual activity. She answered,“I think it is something that is part of human sexuality and a part of something that perhaps should be taught.”

Questa frase ha determinato la fine della sua carriera e l’inizio della celebrazione di maggio come il mese nazionale della masturbazione.
Read more.

Bonus track:

hey! non denigrare la masturbazione! è sesso con qualcuno che amo!

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