StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm Opening Cinematic

Sarah Kerrigan is back ed è incazzata più che mai, le sue armate Zerg distruggeranno voi stupidi umani.

In un’intervista a Polygon, Dustin Browder, Game Director di StarCraft 2:

One of the things we’re trying to convey is this sense of Zerg war, to give you an idea of what it means to play this game [as the Zerg]. This is the power you will encapsulate. This is the strength and force of destruction you will rain down upon Mengsk and his Dominion.

Zerg Power! :res:


StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm uscirà per Mac e PC il 12 marzo prossimo.


via StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm’s stunning opening cinematic (


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