
Brusque farmer is driving the truck with his big fat pig in the back. Passing the dark and foggy road he suddenly be attacked by a huge UFO. The farmer and the pig have no sense why they are being attacked and running. The UFO is now attacking more heavier. What is the truth of this chase…How the farmer and the pig are going to get out of this danger?

Un contadino sta trasportando il proprio maiale quando viene attaccato da un UFO: partirà una sequela di eventi umoristici fino ad un finale inaspettato.

Cortometraggio animato sud coreano che strappa più di un sorriso, il tutto condito dalla tipica musica sud coreana (Teuroteu).

Directed by: Geuntae Park / Jongki Jeon / Kyung Soo Yu
Story by: 7 SLOTH /
Produced by: Geuntae Park
Executive Producer: Woong Sung
Supervising Producer: Wooksang Chang
Sound Design: Doma Studio

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