The Hubos – Come Together

Four of Drexel’s HUBO robots perform the Beatles’ “Come Together” in a demonstration that combines cutting-edge engineering technology and research with creative expression, produced by the Music & Entertainment Technology Laboratory (MET-lab). The HUBOs are operating autonomously (not human-controlled). Their movements are directed by student-developed software to perform the gestures necessary to produce the appropriate notes and beats as dictated by a musical score. Every sound in the video was performed by the robots.

Lo studente Matthew Prockup ha creato arrangiamento musicale per la batteria e tre “Hubofoni”, strumenti a percussione originali studiati e realizzati dal MET-lab per questa performance.

Per altre informazioni su questi “robottini” e la Drexel University, guardate qua e sotto il more:

HUBO was designed and developed by the Korea Advanced Institute of Technology (KAIST) Hubo Lab (Dr. Jun Ho Oh, Director). Drexel Engineering kicked-off National Engineers Week by unveiling seven HUBO humanoids at an unprecedented showcase event on February 20, 2012. Their presence at Drexel is part of a large collaborative project with KAIST and seven other U.S. universities with the goal of rapidly advancing humanoids research.


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