1 Second Everyday – Age 30

I am recording 1 second everyday for the rest of my life… this is me at age 30.

Cosa c’è da dire? Anziché fotografarsi ogni giorno come questo tizio, Cesar Kuriyama ha fatto un video di 1 secondo, una volta al giorno, per un anno. Impressive

Nell’approfondimento i dettagli del video
[more]This premiered during my TED talk on March 2nd at TED2012 in Long Beach, CA.

I spent a couple of years saving enough money to be able to take a frugal year off from work my entire 30th year of life… I spent it doing all the important things I never had enough time for… travel, my own creative projects, & family.

1SE on Facebook: on.fb.me/1secondeveryday
me: twitter.com/cesarkuriyama

Almost entirely shot on iPhone 4 or 4S
about a dozen shots on a Canon 7D
a handful of shots on a LUMIX ZS3
a handful of shots on a goProHD
1 shot was provided by Kathy Monahan
1 shot was provided by Matthew Guzzardo
*credit to the magnificent OLLOCLIP for iPhone which allowed me to easily capture FishEye shots.

1 Second Everyday mobile APP coming soon![/more]

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