Tron Boardgame DIY

Ok, ok, Tron e derivati hanno stufato almeno quanto il 3D, ma questo boardgame DIY è decisamente degno di nota.

Brett King, in occasione dell’uscita in home video di Tron: Legacy, decide di regalare ai figli un gioco ispirato al film in questione, ma nulla in rete pare soddisfarlo.
Sicuramente avrà trovato il tristissimo tabellone del Monopoli in giro per il web, poi google l’avrà senza dubbio rimbalzato sulla Lega (perchè sì, anche Larry adora :ln: ) e il buon paparino si sarà sfogliato qualche centinaio di post taggati Tron. Avrà letto dello Space Paranoids proposto da Zed, avrà sicuramente apprezzato mrbl0nde e i suoi controller e infine si sarà soffermato, parecchio, su un articolo di mynameiskile.
Ma nulla sarà riuscito a soddisfarlo. Tant’è.

Ancora mi chiedo come sia riuscito a uscire dalla Lega… sarà mica ora di cominciare a buttar giù qualche post in inglese?


– The board is made from two pieces of smoked acrylic, which I etched on an Epilog laser cutter at my local Tech Shop. The grid was originally supposed to be edge-lit by LEDs, but the tint in the acrylic kept the light from penetrating. So, I taped off and painted the grid with blacklight-reactive paint.
– I cut the light trails out of fluorescent orange and blue acrylic, also on the laser cutter.
– I bought the TRON vehicles and Recognizer carrying case. I modded the carrying case a bit to include rows of blue and blacklight LEDs. I am in the process of repainting the vehicles with blacklight-reactive paint.
– I’m still finishing the carrying cases for the light trails, one of which is in the video. These were made of wood, also on the laser cutter.
– Everything is sitting atop a giant lazy susan that I made for gaming.

1. Each team takes turns moving a cycle.
2. You have to start with a 2″ light stream. You can accelerate or decelerate one size up or down on your next turn (2″-4″-8″-12″).
3. At the end of your move, you have to turn your cycle in the direction you will be moving on your next turn.
4. If you run over a light line, you explode and are removed from the board, along with your light trail.
5. The lines behind you either stay in place (classic mode) or disappear after five segments (new mode)


VIA ObviousWinner | Youtube

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