Birra del 19° secolo

Food Nerd News: Ancient Beer Found in Shipwreck!

Five bottles of dark, foamy beer were found by divers searching a 19th century shipwreck near Finland’s Aland Islands. Scientists are breaking it down to determine the recipe so they can brew .

Finnish scientists say they hope to re-brew an old ale after studying ancient beer found in a 19th century shipwreck at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

The VTT Technical Research Center of Finland says it aims to determine the recipe used in the brewing of what is “one of the world’s oldest preserved beers.”

Divers in July found five bottles of dark, foamy beer while salvaging champagne from the wreck near Finland’s Aland Islands. The shipwreck is believed to be from the early 19th century.

Cinque bottiglie scure sono state ritrovate da sommmozzatori alla ricerca di un relitto del 19° secolo naufragato nei pressi delle isole Aland in Finlandia.

Gli scienziati sperano di determinare la ricetta utilizzata nella fabbricazione della birra analizzando il contenuto delle bottiglie che sembra essere una delle più antiche birre conservate al mondo.


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