Bugatti USA Cerca Stagista

Bugatti is seeking a marketing intern, and the job duties involve, as you would expect, “scheduling events”, “co-ordinating activities”, “communicating activities with dealers” and “promoting” Bugatti products.
That’s right.
Bugatti only makes three cars – the Veyron, Veyron Grand Sport and Veyron SuperSport. Said intern will be “transporting” said vehicles.
The US-based position requires you to know your way around a computer, have fluency in English and be able to make pretty and colourful presentations.
Hit the link here to view the ad.

Bugatti USA cerca stagista part-time. Traduzione inutile se volete provarci… ;)

Per chi non ci può provare invece: in sostanza cercano un addetto marketing, che oltre alle solite cose da ufficio, debba anche promuovere i prodotti Bugatti, comunicare con le concessionarie/autosaloni e “trasportare” i veicoli… Si trasportare Veyron, Veyron GrandSport e Veyron SuperSport. Il lavoro dei miei sogni insomma… :D

Via Top Gear

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