Caricabatterie USB a respiro

When your batteries run low you can use your body to recharge them. This contraption generates power from chest expansion while breathing. [Jmengel] used some gears from old optical drives to boost the RPM generated by a belt around your torso that he calls a thorax expansion coupler. When you breath in, that belt pulls on a plate that spins the gears, ultimately rotating a small motor. The AC current generated by that motor is run through a rectifier and a boost converter, then fed to a charging circuit.

Does it work? Not really, as this only outputs around 50 mW. But we like the twinge of Dune nostalgia we get looking at it. Wouldn’t this be a perfect addition to a stillsuit?

Ok, l’elettricità prodotta non è tanta, ma quanto è pheega come idea? Dune FTW!

Via Hack a day

BadPower, l'hack che fa prendere fuoco allo smartphone (tramite il caricabatterie)
BadPower, l'hack che fa prendere fuoco allo smartphone (tramite il caricabatterie)
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