24 accenti inglesi

Me attempting to do 24 different accents from my own country and from other countries around the world. Hopefully I got most of them right but I may have made mistakes and I can do some better than others. However, I made this video for my friends because I promised them I would do an accent video. I mean no offence to anyone and please don’t be upset if I have not included your specific accent or got it wrong.

Dopo la performance di Amy Walker, ecco i 24 accenti inglesi di Truseneye92.

Non male, gli accenti inglesi, sopratutto dei non anglosassoni (tipo europei, asiatici etc) mi fanno morire.

A 5.40 tocca agli italiani, ma onestamente non è il massimo… il giappo rende, e anche il sudafricano…

Sempre via BoingBoing.

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