Pimp: The Backhanding

Pimp: The Backhanding is a card game published in 2004 by Arthaus Games, a subsidiary of White Wolf.[1]as part of their One Hit Wonders line. Game design by J.C. Lira, with art by Skottie Young and Brian Glass. Pimp: The Backhanding can be played by two to four players using a single box set, as it contains the all the cards and game pieces required, with the exception of dice.[2] Release of Pimp: The Backhanding created some controversy over the game’s subject matter by individuals from the White Wolf Community Forums who felt the game was disrespectful to women and advocated workers in the illegal sex trade industry.[3]

The game represents a media-stereotyped passage of 1970’s American pimp culture, with players assuming the roles of typecast pimps who seek consolidation of their criminal holdings and prostitutes to become the largest criminal ring in the city. Score points are symbolized as profit earned from prostitutes peddling their trade.

Me lo regalarono alcuni anni fa a natale ed è stato un successone!
In soldoni: siete dei papponi e dovete prima sedurre le battone perche entrino a far parte della vostra scuderia e poi picchiare quelle degli avversari affinchè non riescano a lavorare.
Le carte sono belle e davvero divertenti, il gioco è semplice e veloce!
[spoiler]Oggi vi riempio di giochi :P[/spoiler]

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