Electrolux Bio Robot Refrigerator, il futuro dei frigoriferi

[…] the Electrolux Bio Robot Refrigerator, a concept that has been making quite a splash in the blogosphere! In lay terms, the fridge is a concept where the Bio Robot cools biopolymer gel through luminescence. A non-sticky gel surrounds the food item when shoved into the biopolymer gel, creating separate pods. The design features no doors or drawers, and the food items are individually cooled at their optimal temperature thanks to the robot. And since it can take any orientation (hung vertically, horizontally, and even on the ceiling), and can be modified in size, you can fit it in any apartment.

Bio Robot Refrigerator

Bio robot FTW! vuoi mettere il gusto di tirare dall’altra parte della stanza la roba dentro al frigo? splat! e rimane dentro e al freddo. Comodizzimo. :D

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